Everything Republicans/Democrats know about Government

Hot off the University of Life Press, two brand new books by Dr. Phillip Buster arrive just in time for this year’s elections!
These books clarify and confirm what you always suspected…and as you may have guessed, there is not a single word between the book covers (other than page numbers and section names like “Everything Republicans/Democrats know about Foreign Policy”), making these books the perfect gag gift or coffee table book for your favorite political junkie or adversary!
The book comes in two forms:
Everything Democrats know about Government

Available at http://amzn.to/democratbook – like it and leave a funny review!
Everything Republicans know about Government
Available at http://amzn.to/republicanbook – like it and leave your funny review!
From the back cover:
“Brilliant!” – Fox News
“Says it all. An ideal political reference guide.” – The Washington Post
“Dr. Buster’s impeccable reasoning and direct style result in perfect clarity and outstanding readability.” – The Wall Street Journal
[Everything Republicans know…has reviews from The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, and USA Today]
At last – complex politics made simple! Written for novice Democrats [or Republicans] who want to better understand their political rivals, this insightful and succinct overview accurately summarizes the logic, wisdom and values behind Democratic viewpoints on: – The Ecomony – Social Issues – Foreign Policy – Energy Policy – Environmental Issues – Ethics
A comprehensive historical timeline outlines major Democratic contributions to America’s past and current greatness.
About the Author
As President of the Center for Democracy and Truth and Dean of Political Science at the University of Life, Dr. Phillip Buster has devoted his life to studying United States government. After many attempts, he has successfully captured the essence of American politics in this concise volume.
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