What’s the big deal about being interesting? Why would you want that? How will it elevate your quality of life, happiness, satisfaction, and possibly wealth, health, and whatever else you may wish for?
The big deal is that it allows you to connect with other people more easily, and to enjoy those connections more fully. Humans ***crave*** connection! It validates us, makes us feel safe, which lowers our blood pressure, improves our self-image, and brightens our outlook on the present and future.
The **easiest** way to to become more interesting is to become more interestED! Get curious! Open your eyes to the people and endless possibilities that surround you! This perspective will add a light to your eyes that others will feel drawn to!
Also, you’ll get a lot smarter and acquire more and more interesting things you can share with others, which will naturally make them enjoy your company.
The most interesting people in the world are also the most interested in other people, and we’ve recently created two books to help spark and guide your curiosity, and make it easy to always have fascinating conversations with others.
Each book has 101 main questions, with ~900 follow-up questions to dive even deeper into your investigations, strengthen connections even more, and maximize your value.
Here’s an example from page 36 of Know Thyself:
If you could change one thing about your social life, what would it be?
179. Would you change something in the past or the present?
180. How would you change it? By changing something about yourself? Or about others? Or would you just magically be more popular or whatever without any specific reason why things changed?
181. Would you rather become more charismatic, confident, and attractive, or be surrounded by others who are? Why?
Best of all, you can get each one FOR LESS THAN A DOLLAR! That’s for the ebook version, and the paperback is less than five bucks.
They’re also nice and small – shorter than your smart phone! So you can easily take them with you anywhere and always be ready to strike up a good heart-to-heart convo with whoever you meet.
Even when nobody else is around, asking yourself these questions will increase your depth of wisdom and prepare you to ask great questions even when you can’t simply flip open to the middle of the book and go from there.
The first book, Know Thyself, contains questions mostly about YOU (or whoever you’re talking to). What makes you you? How did you become that way? What can you do about it now? Purchase it (or download a free portion) at https://amzn.to/3shQZZW

The second book, The Road of Life, centers on life in general – how it works, how it doesn’t work, how you think and feel and react to it. Purchase it (or download a free portion) at https://amzn.to/3PbzF1Z

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