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University of Life

Be Your Best Self, Live Your Best Life!

New Course: The Power of Identity
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New Course: The Power of Identity
Your sense of self determines your life experience more than any other factor, so why haven't you gotten to know yourself better? Why haven't you kept the best beliefs about yourself and discarded the ones that hold you back? With those goals in mind, we present our newest FREE course, Identity 101: The Power of Identity, or The Power of YOU. Visit and watch the videos we've posted there so far. If you show interest by subscribing to our youtube channel, watchling, liking, commenting and sharing the videos, then we'll produce more! We have dozens of exciting ideas and exercises that we're eager to share to maximize your life experience. If you're as excited about this topic as we are, you'll also want to read our latest book, True You: the simple art of seeing who you truly are, available on and at, which explains mind-blowing techniques to know yourself and others more deeply than you ever dreamed possible. Seriously. It's some of the most fascinating knowledge I have ever learned and I'm excited to share it all with the world.

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